Editorial Board

Erhard Aichinger

Institut für Algebra

Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

4040 Linz


e-mail: erhard.aichinger@jku.at

home page: https://www.jku.at/institut-fuer-algebra/team/erhard-aichinger/

research interest: clones, function algebras, commutator theory, polynomial completeness properties

Libor Barto

Department of Algebra

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Charles University

Sokolovská 83

186 00 Praha 8

Czech Republic

e-mail: libor.barto@gmail.com

home page: http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~barto

research interest: universal algebra; computational complexity, in particular, constraint satisfaction problems

Andrei A. Bulatov

School of Computing Science

Simon Fraser University

8888 University Drive

Burnaby BC

Canada V5A 1S6

e-mail: abulatov@sfu.ca

home page: http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~abulatov/

research interest: structure of finite algebras, constraint satisfaction problems

Brian A. Davey

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

La Trobe University

Victoria 3086


e-mail: au@latrobe.edu.au

home page: http://briandavey.ltumathstats.com/

research interest: general algebra, the theory of natural dualities, general lattice theory, Priestley duality and its application to distributive lattices and distributive-lattice-ordered algebras, ordered sets

Alan Dow

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

University of North Carolina

Charlotte, NC 28223


e-mail: adow@uncc.edu

home page: https://webpages.uncc.edu/adow/

research interest: set-theoretic methods, Boolean algebras, Stone duality, consistency results

Ralph Freese

Department of Mathematics

University of Hawaii

2565 The Mall

Honolulu, HI 96822-2273


e-mail: ralph@math.hawaii.edu

home page: http://www.math.hawaii.edu/~ralph/

research interest: lattices, ordered sets, algebras, algorithms and computation

Nick Galatos

Department of Mathematics

University of Denver

2280 S. Vine St.,

Denver, CO 80208


e-mail: ngalatos@du.edu

home page: https://cs.du.edu/~ngalatos/

research interest: universal algebra, ordered algebraic structures, algebraic logic

George Grätzer

Department of Mathematics

University of Manitoba

Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2


e-mail: gratzer@mac.com

home page: http://server.maths.umanitoba.ca/homepages/gratzer/

research interest: lattice theory and universal algebra

H.-Peter Gumm

Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik

Philipps Universität Marburg

35032 Marburg


e-mail: gumm@mathematik.uni-marburg.de

home page: http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~gumm

research interest: coalgebras, congruence modularity, Mal'cev conditions, program verification, distributed systems

Miroslav Haviar

Department of Mathematics

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Matej Bel University

Tajovskeho 40

974 01 Banska Bystrica


e-mail: miroslav.haviar@umb.sk

home page: http://www.fpv.umb.sk/~mhaviar/

research interest: lattice theory, universal algebra, the theory of natural dualities

Marcel Jackson

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

La Trobe University

Victoria 3086


e-mail: m.g.jackson@latrobe.edu.au

home page: http://marceljackson.ltumathstats.com/

research interest: semigroup theory, universal algebra, and their interactions

Peter Jipsen

Chapman University

Faculty of Mathematics 

One University Drive

Orange, CA 92866


e-mail: jipsen@chapman.edu

home page: https://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/

research interest: universal algebra, general lattice theory, and ordered algebraic structures

Keith A. Kearnes

Department of Mathematics

University of Colorado

Boulder, CO 80309-0395


e-mail: Keith.Kearnes@colorado.edu

home page: http://spot.colorado.edu/~kearnes/

research interest: algebra

Emil W. Kiss

Department of Algebra and Number Theory

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Loránd Eötvös University

Pázmány Péter sétány 1c

H--1117. Budapest


e-mail: emil.w.kiss@ttk.elte.hu

home page: http://ewkiss.web.elte.hu/wp/wordpress/home/

research interest: tame congruence theory, commutator theory

Benoit Larose

Department of Mathematics

Champlain Regional College

900 Riverside Drive

St-Lambert Québec

Canada J4P 3P2

e-mail: blarose@crcmail.net

research interest: algorithmic complexity of constraint satisfaction problems, graph homomorphisms, applications of algebra and algebraic topology to these fields; universal algebra, extremal combinatorics

Edmond W. H. Lee

Department of Mathematics

Nova Southeastern University

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314


e-mail: edmond.lee@nova.edu

home page: http://edmondlee.prof

research interest: varieties of semigroups and of related structures, lattices of varieties, finite basis problem

Vincenzo Marra

Dipartimento di Matematica Federigo Enriques

Università degli Studi di Milano

via Cesare Saldini 50

I-20133 Milano


e-mail: vincenzo.marra@unimi.it

home page: http://marra.di.unimi.it

research interest: reasoning with uncertain information, non-classical logics, especially fuzzy and many-valued logics, ordered algebraic structures, especially Abelian groups and vector spaces, combinatorial and piecewise linear topology, especially its relationship with ordered algebraic structures

Peter Mayr

Department of Mathematics

University of Colorado

Boulder, CO 80309-0395


e-mail: peter.mayr@colorado.edu

home page: https://www.colorado.edu/math/peter-mayr

research interest: algebra, clones, computational complexity

Warren Wm. McGovern

Wilkes Honors College

Florida Atlantic University

Jupiter FL


e-mail: warren.mcgovern@fau.edu

home page: https://www.fau.edu/honors/faculty/mcgovern/

research interest: ordered algebraic structures and ring theory

Michael Pinsker

Institut für Diskrete Mathematik und Geometrie

Technische Universität Wien

Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/104

1040 Wien


e-mail: marula@gmx.at

home page: http://dmg.tuwien.ac.at/pinsker/

research interest: infinite algebras, connections to model theory, computational complexity

Miroslav Ploščica

Mathematical Institute,

Slovak Acad. of Sciences

Grešákova 6,

04001 Košice


e-mail: ploscica@saske.sk

home page: http://www.saske.sk/MI/ploscica/index.html

research interest: lattice theory, universal algebra

Reinhard Pöschel

Technische Universität Dresden

Fakultät Mathematik

Institut für Algebra

D - 01062 Dresden


e-mail: Reinhard.Poeschel@tu-dresden.de

home page: https://tu-dresden.de/mn/math/algebra/das-institut/beschaeftigte/poeschel?set_language=en

research interest: clones of operations and relations

James G. Raftery

Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

University of Pretoria

Hatfield, Pretoria

0002 South Africa

e-mail: james.raftery@up.ac.za

home page: https://www.up.ac.za/mathematics-and-applied-mathematics/article/1942203/prof-jg-james-raftery

research interest: algebra of logic, residuated algebraic structures

Nathan Reading

Department of Mathematics

North Carolina State University


North Carolina 27695-8205


e-mail: reading@math.ncsu.edu

home page: http://nreadin.math.ncsu.edu

research interest: interactions between lattice theory and combinatorics

Luigi Santocanale


Parc Scientifique et Technologique de Luminy

163, avenue de Luminy - Case 901

F-13288 Marceille Cedex 9


e-mail: luigi.santocanale@lis-lab.fr

home page: https://pageperso.lis-lab.fr/luigi.santocanale/
research interest: lattice theory, topos theory, enriched category theory, ordered sets, species theory, game theory, intuitionistic logic, mu-calculus, decision problems for free algebraic objects, semantics of programming languages, algebraic and categorical structures of distributed computing

Tim Stokes

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

The University of Waikato


New Zealand

e-mail: tim.stokes@waikato.ac.nz

home page: https://www.cms.waikato.ac.nz/people/stokes

research interest: semigroups with additional operations, including function and relation algebras

Ágnes Szendrei

Department of Mathematics

University of Colorado

Boulder, CO 80309-0395



Bolyai Institute

University of Szeged

Aradi vértanúk tere 1

H--6720 Szeged


e-mail: szendrei@euclid.colorado.edu

home page: http://spot.colorado.edu/~szendrei/

research interest: structure theory of finite algebras, varieties, finite basis problems, clone theory

Thomas Vetterlein

Institute for Mathematical Methods in Medicine and Data Based Modeling

Johannes Kepler University Linz

Altenberger Straße 69

4040 Linz


e-mail: Thomas.Vetterlein@jku.at

home page: https://www.jku.at/m3dm/thomas-vetterlein

research interest: foundations of quantum mechanics, quantum structures, functional analysis, the theory of ordered sets and lattices, orthosets

Friedrich Wehrung


Université de Caen, Campus 2

Département de Mathématiques, B.P. 5186

14032 Caen cedex


e-mail: friedrich.wehrung01@unicaen.fr

alternate e-mail: fwehrung@yahoo.fr

home page: https://wehrungf.users.lmno.cnrs.fr

research interest: refinement monoids, partially ordered abelian groups, general lattice theory

Alexander Wilce

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Susquehanna University

514 University Ave

Selinsgrove PA 17870

e-mail: wilce@susqu.edu

home page: https://www.susqu.edu/live/profiles/588-alexander-wilce

research interest: foundations of quantum mechanics, quantum logic and probability theory, quantum information theory, functional analysis, the theory of ordered sets and lattices, and analytic topology

Ross Willard

Department of Pure Mathematics

University of Waterloo

Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1


e-mail: ross.willard@uwaterloo.ca

home page: http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~rdwillar/

research interest: universal algebra and duality theory